Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Update- MCM

Last week we finished the most critical module for our machine. The module includes a door that will be used to capture balls, four pillow blocks, four bearings that press fit into the pillow blocks, two shafts that connect the door to a motor, and a base plate that connects the module to the frame of the bot. We cut the door, which is made from delrin, using the laser cutter. The laser cutter was also used to shape the acrylic base plate. The pillow blocks and shafts are made from aluminum and were shaped with the bandsaw and mill. This week we will finish assembling the frame of our bot.

Many parts of this module were machined with low tolerances, so that they would align correctly. For example the hole in the pillow block should have been reamed, so that the bearing would press fit into it. Also the shaft had to be the correct diameter, so that it would press fit into the bearings.

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